5 Tips for Camping with your Dog in Zaton

5 Tips for Camping with your Dog in Zaton



Holiday with Pets - 5 Tips for Camping with your Dog in Zaton

A dogs is believed to be a person’s best friend. It’s a companion that makes you do exercise, even if it’s just walking. It’s a guardian that will keep you safe. It’s always there, to share joy and sorrow, to cheer you up when you’re crying and to be a part of the happy times. It is, indeed, a true member of the family, and as such you probably want to share holiday moments with it, just as much as with everyone else in the family.

Truth be told, the dog probably needs a change of scenery just as much as you do, particularly if you live in a city, where the closest you get to nature is when you take the dog out for a walk to the nearest park. So, treat it to a pet-friendly stay at Zaton Holiday Resort - it will appreciate it. Here are a few tips:

1. Stick to rules

Your dog may be the loveliest in the world, but there are still some rules at the resort you’ll have to respect. For example, the resort opens its doors for small to middle-sized dogs, but if your furry buddy is of a larger breed, check with the resort staff and they will let you know if it’s ok to take it with you anyway. Make sure it’s quite clear from your booking that you're bringing your dog along.

2. Identifying your dog

A microchip is highly recommendable in case your dog doesn’t have it already, but it would also be a good idea to place a collar with an identification tag and your phone number. If your dog gets lost for whatever reason, that’s the most essential information to get it back fast, simply because other campers do  not walk around carrying a microchip scanner, but they do have phones.

Dog Beach

3. Pack your dog’s things

It may be just a dog, but it will surely be happy if it has its familiar things on holiday. So, don’t forget to take its food dish and water bowl and enough food supplies. After all, it’s not wise to change its diet while travelling. Don’t forget the bedding, so that your dog is just as comfortable as you are, and do take its favourite toys.

4. Run free or stay on a leash

There’s one thing your dog might particularly like and that’s running around to explore the new territory, to see if there are any other potential buddies, mates or rivals. Still, you have to keep in mind that it’s not only you and nature, but also other guests who may not be such dog lovers. This is why the resort asks the guests to keep their pets on a leash even when on the pitch. But there is a place where they get to experience full freedom -  on the beach. Just look for designated area for dogs.

5. Taking care of dog poop

The garden area all over Zaton Holiday Resort is well tended, with spots dedicated to ecology. If your dog happens to do its thing, make sure you pick up the waste. Simply because nobody would want to step into dog poop, not even extreme fans of dogs.

In dog’s language …

Don’t leave me behind when you go on holiday. Take me camping. Take me to the beach and let me swim. Take me for a walk to get to know the campground. They say Zaton Holiday Resort is among the best ones. I want to go there, too. So, take me with you. Woof!