Self-Catering Holiday (or not) in Zaton

Self-Catering Holiday (or not) in Zaton



Self-Catering Holiday (or not) in Zaton

It’s time for a summer holiday in Zaton! The weather’s just perfect, the clear water has just the right temperature and the pine trees ready to give you shade whenever you feel too hot out in the sun. So, the accommodation has been booked, all the necessary (camping ) gear and gadgets packed, Zadar region’s studied together with the road map so as to safely arrive, the car loaded with the things you will or might need as well as those you probably won’t, but they’re there for just in case.

What about food? Nothing to worry about, because Zaton Holiday Resort has it all covered for you! All you have to do is buckle your seatbelts and let the excitement of travelling begin!

What’s your cup of tea?

Staying in an apartment, mobile home, camper or a (glamping) tent is your preferred type of holiday, because you appreciate the opportunity to share family meals in privacy, as if you were at home? That’s just perfect because all the apartments, mobile homes and glamping tents at Zaton Holiday Resort are equipped with modern appliances which allow you to do things just as you would at home. Also, there’s no need to leave the resort to get the groceries since a supermarket, bakery and a newsstand are available there. Still, if you would rather spend as little time as possible in the kitchen, then a half-board option sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Again, it’s something you can easily arrange at the resort. In addition, you can always have a snack at a beach or a snack bar, or a pizza in the pizza place. And then, why not treat yourself to some fine dining in the a la carte restaurant?

Zaton Holiday Resort Gastronomy

Reasons (not) to cook

With a half-board you don’t have to worry as much about the groceries, what to cook and who’s turn it is to clean up afterwards, but rather use that time to play a game all together or plan activities to do. Besides that, with a buffet breakfast and great choice for dinner, you'll be happy to eat just as you please.  Also, you won’t have to worry about food that’s left towards the end of your holiday.

On the other hand, using the kitchen on holiday means you are the master of your own timetable and you don’t have to depend on meal schedules. Apartment or mobile home kitchen gives you the opportunity to cook together as a family without the usual haste of contemporary life, so that you can enjoy every step of the process. Campers who use sanitary facilities for cooking can strike up a conversation with other guests and exchange recipes. The same is true for the barbecue zone, which is an excellent conversation starter, anywhere in the world.

Food matters

It may not be the most important issue on holiday, but having it sorted out just the way you want it may just make the difference in your holiday.  Feel like sleeping in and starting a day with a brunch when you feel like it? Well, why not? Wanna share a family breakfast with a great choice, impatient to start another exciting day? Be our guest. It’s about doing whatever you feel like, whenever it suits you. Because you’re on holiday. Just don’t leave Zaton without having tried a few typical delicious Dalmatian dishes at the traditional Dalmatian tavern such as pašticada (a beef dish) with homemade gnocchi. After all, your palate deserves a holiday of tastes as well.