Season's Greetings from Zaton Holiday Resort

Season's Greetings from Zaton Holiday Resort



Author: Bojan Bogdanic | Source: Zadar Tourist Board

Season’s Greetings and Farewell to 2021

Wishing you … merry Christmas and a new year filled with joy, health and wonderful moments! May they be shared with your loved ones, family and friends.

Holiday season is here, with the countdown to Christmas and the new year 2022 well underway. It is the time of year when we count our blessings, think about the times we’ve had and feel grateful for all the good ones. We also take an expecting look at the year ahead of us with a hope for new beginnings, safe travels and happy moments.

Chasing the silver lining

2021. What a challenging year it’s been. It’s been a year when travelling and spending valuable time with our loved ones may have been limited and not as straightforward as we would have liked it. It’s also been a year when we have found ways to make things happen, and appreciated those quality moments even more.

Stipe Surac

Zaton Holiday Resort once again provided a safe haven for you to enjoy a string of moments to remember. Your very special #ZatonMoments. Maybe it was pure joy in the sea or the pools. Or a sense of accomplishment in a sport or a new hobby. It may have also been delicious flavours enjoyed at a Gourmet Night. Or the thrill of watching an amazing performance using the latest theatre technology under the starry sky. Regardless of what precisely were those moments for you, let them be your happy reminder of Zaton, and hopefully experienced again.

Setting your eyes on 2022

2022. What an exciting year it’s going to be. And that’s a promise. Namely, Zaton Holiday Resort is celebrating its 40th birthday, and we plan to do it with a bang! So, expect your #ZatonMoments to be even more fabulous, exciting and full of laughter in 2022.

Fabio Simicev

Author: Fabio Simicev | Source: Zadar Tourist Board

We are also continuing our tradition of introducing novelties for your absolute comfort and enjoyment. And good times to remember!

Until we meet again

Once more, wishing you … a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 2022! May there be peace and joy in your home, and may they follow you every step of the way in the year to come.